Spring is springing
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I love cardinals, but of all the birds we have around here, they are the #1 culprit for bird strikes to the windows. Maybe they need glasses.Comment
I have noticed that too but think they are chasing off “other” birds. They are very territorial birds. -
Almost the entire back wall of my house is glass, so I get bird strikes more often than most probably. But only a cardinal has hit it so hard that it killed itself. Cardinals are the most crazy species I know of about that. Mont's territorial comment above is probably why. I have even seen cardinals hit and peck at side mirrors of a vehicle.
That's very cool. I've always been told that Cardinals represent people in your life who have passed on. I didn't put too much stock into the idea, but after my Dad passed back in Feb 2016, we had a Cardinal start showing up that Spring and we've had one come back every year since. A firm believer now.👍 4Comment
We are loaded up with Cardinals. Someone once told me Cardinals are an indication someone in Heaven is watching you. We must need a lot of watching over."The enemy never sees the backs of my Texans!" - General Robert E. Lee, CSA👍 3Comment
We had a purple martin scout circling the houses this weekend. I also spotted a new type of hawk being chased by two Cara Cara's. At first I thought it was a black headed buzzard the way it was flying but it was too fast for the Cara Cara and was definitely some kind of hawk. Quick look on the interwebs and it's a Zone Tailed Hawk. Here's what they look like.😎 1👍 1Comment
I'm no expert on migratory patterns of birds. I have been seeing robins for almost 2 weeks now. I don't know if they're headed north early or south late.Comment
Well, we had our 2 weeks of winter so hell can't be far away
Running the dehumidifier right now, was a little soupy this morning
Crane flies are out
Saw swirling clouds of blackbirds when I went to Sealy yesterday
Yotes will need tending to
On the cams every night for a few weeks now, eating the corn
Twilight Zone RefugeeComment