Over the last several years I've been passed over for promotion repeatedly for less qualified candidates with different genitals and skin color. I knew under the previous climate that any sort of disputation action would be disastrous. However, given the new climate and the destruction of dei, is now a viable time to sue my employer? Particularly galling was the time I interviewed for a department director gig, and two of the different genital and skin crowd were part of my interview panel.
Time to sue?
Can you request a copy of past employment reviews to see any possible questionable decisions made by your employer? -
Like annual evaluations? MIne are top notch, doubt they would share others. As for any sort of comparative hiring form, to the best of my knowledge they do not have a standardized one. Pinning them on this issue will be tough. I can demonstrate that I was the top internal candidate based on evals and time in role, not sure that would be enough. Nobody has been stupid enough to say I didn't get the jobs because I'm a handsome white man.What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms. - Thomas JeffersonComment
I can't imagine a tolerable work environment where I had sued my employer. Win or lose. Might make it tough getting other work as well.👍 1Comment
I was told two times by my prior employer.......you WILL hire a female for this position...both fairly senior positions.
I was lucky to find good ones....passed over some good ones of different gender....not necessarily better, but it didn't matter.
Had to bite my tongue on that one....lucky to not deal with that kind of drama anymore.Comment
Suing....to force them to promote you when they didnt want to will no longer be be conducive to a healthy work atmosphere moving forward.
Better to put your feelers out and get the job offer you want elsewhere....then go make your case for them to keep you. BUT be prepared to leave. You only get to shoot that shot once
No matter how valuable you think you are, this is one of the ways employers hold back promotion or hold back pay to get you to leave. Something to consider. They may WANT you to move on.....👍 3Comment
If they love you there they would have promoted you if you are more qualified than those that applied for the same position. Apparently they haven’t and from what you’re saying quite possibly never will.
If this has happen consistently, maybe it’s time to polish up your resume and shop your skills elsewhere else.
No matter the outcome, you would be putting a huge and obvious target on your back. If you are at retirement age and ready to retire, it might work for some compensation if you are lucky. Otherwise, it would be suicide with that company.Comment
Oh, it would be a total scorched earth move. No way I could continue to work there if I did something like that. I'd need to have my next gig lined up and locked down.What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms. - Thomas JeffersonComment
My son went thru the same three times, his boss/friend told him the last time he was passed up he should leave and he did. He's making three times what he would have been and all 3 that passed him up have left the other company.M R Ducks....M R Not....O S M R...C M WANGS....L I B...M R DUCKSComment