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Should Texas have it's own DOGE?

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  • bluefin
    • Aug 2023
    • 270

    Should Texas have it's own DOGE?

    Was watching Schumer, Ilhan Omar, AOC, et al crying about proposed cuts to programs DOGE identified as not needed. Made me think maybe we a DOGE locally.
    Willing to bet Texas has plenty of fluff in its coffers also.
  • On The Hook
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2023
    • 972

    Government at every level needs this. Very few know how to negotiate or the true value of the goods and or services they purchase. They are also full of bloat, pork and favoritism. Do we really need 13 agencies doing the same thing in every city, county, state and federal level? We need a government that does their core jobs well and efficiently, nothing more.
    I do stuff !


    • Rubberback
      Rubberback commented
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      Lord have mercy! This gov was so far out in left field they should all resign immediately and be ashamed of what they have done to we the people.
      It looks to me it got to the point where they just said O that's a drop in the bucket no problem. And it just grew and grew.
      You can never do that period. Every buck should be cherished and spent wisely.
  • Phantom Fisherman
    • Aug 2023
    • 221

    There is plenty of waste in Texas State Government. We indeed need. Texas Doge committee to root it out.


    • EddieL
      • Aug 2023
      • 76

      Not unlike the feds, we have a real problem with lobbying, campaign finance and the lack of term limits. Many of these part-time legislators are using their elected positions to further their personal business interests, especially lawyers who have 'clients' paying for legal advice but those clients are actually currying favor. It has been going on since the days of the republic and nothing changes. Too many folks get caught up in these all hat no cattle 'conservatives' who are playing this game and they keep electing them. I ran into mine at the local walmart and after I congratulated him for having such a successful law practice that he was able to pay cash for property and had a huge family and non-working spouse. These are the sort of things going on each and every day. They are all for sale and no different than a lot lizard. Lil turd hauled butt after that.


      • Bandit1
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2023
        • 857

        Yes, every political entity needs a doge disclosing how they are spending tax dollars.
        What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms. - Thomas Jefferson


        • gds
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2023
          • 672

          I have never seen a county in Texas that the county commissioners, didn't get rich in office. Most don't even try to hide it.


          • DEXTER
            DEXTER commented
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            you haven't been up here in the panhandle obviously then
        • SGrem
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2023
          • 1759

          Justify your existence and show your value every 6 months.

          Any overlapping reports get scrutinized for downsizing.


          • Landlocked
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2023
            • 1845

            Start with the school districts!!!


            • Djwag94
              Djwag94 commented
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              You got that right, most ISD’s have more assistants to the assistants than actual teachers.
          • Bandit1
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2023
            • 857

            Start with the appraisal districts.
            What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms. - Thomas Jefferson


            • Kenny Powers
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2023
              • 631

              Ban California owned water companies.


              • Unknownstrohsfan
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2023
                • 2176

                Every state should have one, and it should be 100% transparency on the expenditures,


                • Rubberback
                  Rubberback commented
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                  Cali needs one on every corner. Poor guy thinks he can do whatever he wants and the feds will come bail him out.
                  I think those days are over. Trump has dug up some hanky panky on Mr Hair that ain't pretty.
                  That gazzillion dollar train to no where is showing some major corrupt spending. Will see.
                  Man this country is in need of major reform from top to bottom.
                  Every dem city and there's a lot of em. Has people pooping in the street , needles laying in the streets, tent cities , and wall to wall graffiti .
                  There worse than a third world city. But don't fret they will all be reelected and nothing will change.