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Freedom From Religion Foundation

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  • Duckchasr
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2023
    • 670

    Freedom From Religion Foundation

    These folks are full throated enemies of God and constitutionally illiterate. How this terrorist group ever got any traction is beyond me. The sheriffs stance should be over my dead body.
    EDITOR’S NOTE: The original story included a photograph that was coprighted and failed to include a link to the original source […]
    Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.​

    "Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants." -- Benjamin Franklin
  • Duckchasr
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2023
    • 670

    I thought I posted this in the Outpost. Sorry.
    Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.​

    "Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants." -- Benjamin Franklin


    • Texashookset 2
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2023
      • 649

      I’d publicly invite that whore down with her army of freaks to go ahead and remove them themselves. I’d drive the few hours out there and as a ride along with any of the officers for this one to let them try it.


      • 2Ws
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2023
        • 1384

        Strong last cpl sentences. .>>> I’d be curious to survey law enforcement across the nation. If they should find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun in a dark alley, would they call out in prayer to the Lord or a godless atheist?​
        M R Ducks....M R Not....O S M R...C M WANGS....L I B...M R DUCKS


        • On The Hook
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2023
          • 674

          It’s freedom of, not freedom from. What’s wrong with these idiots? No one is making them do anything they don’t want to do.
          I do stuff !


          • WhiteBassFisher
            WhiteBassFisher commented
            Editing a comment
            That is exactly right. I had not thought about it in those terms or heard it said that way.
        • TheGoose
          • Aug 2023
          • 75

          I honestly believe that separation of Church and State is a good thing, and so did our founders, even though most of them were fairly religious and 100% Christian.

          As a thought experiment, what if one of our more "diverse" areas had a sheriff that was a Muslim, and they decided to put scripture from the Koran on their patrol cars? We wouldn't like that very much at all.

          What you're basically saying is that you're all for the state pushing religion, as long as it's your religion.

          Hold on, let me go get my popcorn for the rest of this thread.


          • jimk
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2023
            • 611

            Keeping government out of religion is the goal...keeping God out of government is impossible.
            Jak Sie Masz, Y'all!


            • Duckchasr
              Duckchasr commented
              Editing a comment
              Thank You.
          • On The Hook
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2023
            • 674

            Originally posted by TheGoose
            I honestly believe that separation of Church and State is a good thing, and so did our founders, even though most of them were fairly religious and 100% Christian.

            As a thought experiment, what if one of our more "diverse" areas had a sheriff that was a Muslim, and they decided to put scripture from the Koran on their patrol cars? We wouldn't like that very much at all.

            What you're basically saying is that you're all for the state pushing religion, as long as it's your religion.

            Hold on, let me go get my popcorn for the rest of this thread.
            Freedom of religion was established because of what England and other countries did. The king decided what religion he wanted and what religion you would be made to participate in. Freedom of religion was established to allow you to choose what if any religion you wanted to participate in or be a part of. It was not made to prevent you from being exposed to the religion of others. It wasn't meant to prevent religious beliefs of any group from being expressed publicly or openly. The idea was that no one could tell you which if any religion is right for you, including the government. It established free will in your choice to be religious or not. I don't necessarily think it is right for our government to be paying for religious sayings on government vehicles. If it was donated, then there might be some wiggle room.

            Choices have consequences and allowing those of other religions into our country comes with the consequence that their religion will now likely be practiced In the USA, it was always permitted, but not necessarily practiced. You are free to worship whatever you want, or not. No different that freedom of choice, expression or speech. They can say it, but can't make you believe it.
            Last edited by On The Hook; 02-12-2024, 05:41 PM.
            I do stuff !


            • dwilliams35
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2023
              • 2787

              Originally posted by On The Hook

              Freedom of religion was established because of what England and other countries did. The king decided what religion he wanted and what religion you would be made to participate in. Freedom of religion was established to allow you to choose what if any religion you wanted to participate in or be a part of. It was not made to prevent you from being exposed to the religion of others. It wasn't meant to prevent religious beliefs of any group from being expressed publicly or openly. The idea was that no one could tell you which if any religion is right for you, including the government. It established free will in your choice to be religious or not. I don't necessarily think it is right for our government to be paying for religious sayings on government vehicles. If it was donated, then there might be some wiggle room.

              Choices have consequences and allowing those of other religions into our country comes with the consequence that their religion will now likely be practiced In the USA, it was always permitted, but not necessarily practiced. You are free to worship whatever you want, or not. No different that freedom of choice, expression or speech. They can say it, but can't make you believe it.
              That's the issue here. They're basically using tax dollars for proselytizing. Even if the money for the sticker, or even the car, was donated, it's still getting out there with taxpayer gas, driven by a taxpayer-paid on-duty officer. That takes some mental gymnastics to separate it from "shall establish no religion"... On the other hand, it's "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion": at what point does that restriction on congress drain down to a Kinney county sheriff? (obviously, there's enough legal precedent that says it probably does, at least in some ways and aspects) No really good way to sort this out one direction or the other, but if nothing else, the founders knew full well just where this path's inevitable conclusion ended up...
              They weren't fans of restrictive theocracy..


              • TheGoose
                • Aug 2023
                • 75

                Originally posted by On The Hook

                Freedom of religion was established because of what England and other countries did. The king decided what religion he wanted and what religion you would be made to participate in. Freedom of religion was established to allow you to choose what if any religion you wanted to participate in or be a part of. It was not made to prevent you from being exposed to the religion of others. It wasn't meant to prevent religious beliefs of any group from being expressed publicly or openly. The idea was that no one could tell you which if any religion is right for you, including the government. It established free will in your choice to be religious or not. I don't necessarily think it is right for our government to be paying for religious sayings on government vehicles. If it was donated, then there might be some wiggle room.

                Choices have consequences and allowing those of other religions into our country comes with the consequence that their religion will now likely be practiced In the USA, it was always permitted, but not necessarily practiced. You are free to worship whatever you want, or not. No different that freedom of choice, expression or speech. They can say it, but can't make you believe it.
                Lots of words to spell out separation of church and state. County Sheriff = State.

                Now consider if the sheriff was Mormon and put scripture from the Book of Mormon on there. Still Christian right? Would you have a problem with it?


                • LouReed
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2023
                  • 1615

                  Originally posted by TheGoose
                  As a thought experiment, what if one of our more "diverse" areas had a sheriff that was a Muslim, and they decided to put scripture from the Koran on their patrol cars? We wouldn't like that very much at all.

                  What you're basically saying is that you're all for the state pushing religion, as long as it's your religion.
                  Speak for yourself. Personally, in parts of Minnesota where there are tons of Muslims, I would think no differently of your scenario than I think of this one in South Texas.

                  I'd be interested to know how many atheists there are in that county. Not that it would affect my opinion on the matter, but I'd bet there aren't but a few.

                  Personally, I think the sayings on the patrol cars probably gives far more comfort to the citizens those officers protect than it upsets anyone in that county and that very few, if any of the locals give a rat's pitooty about who paid fort the decals.


                  • KWeber
                    KWeber commented
                    Editing a comment
                    A &M San Antonio built a Spanish Mission style bell tower at it's entrance
                    there were 3 Christian crosses on it...ONE student pitched such a fit that the school capitulated and had them sanded off...
                    they should have sanded her off...
                • SmithRanchZ
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2023
                  • 1161

                  Round numbers, roughly 60% are Christians, around 30% are not religious, and 10% religious but not Christian. Round numbers, discussions purposes only.

                  Why don't we leave it up to the officer operating the vehicle? Muslim officers can display something from the Koran, Jews something from the old Testament, Christians from old or new, and agnostics and atheists can display a message condemning bronze age superstitions. Hindus can display their message, as can Satanists, Buddhists, and all the rest.

                  No citizen would be free from seeing any religious messages being promoted on the vehicles of their public servants. Even personally objectionable or offensive ones.

                  That's the test, right? If the shoe is on the other foot, is it acceptable? The whole Kant thing.


                  • On The Hook
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2023
                    • 674

                    Originally posted by TheGoose

                    Lots of words to spell out separation of church and state. County Sheriff = State.

                    Now consider if the sheriff was Mormon and put scripture from the Book of Mormon on there. Still Christian right? Would you have a problem with it?
                    I guess that you didn’t read all the words….. every religion is available to anyone in America and they can also reject them all if they choose. Free choice in matters of religion, not a state mandated religion for all. It’s not much different than the “to protect and serve” bs they put n their cars, that we absolutely pay for. They apparently have no duty to protect anyone, according to the Supreme Court. They neither protect nor serve, so why do we pay for that crap and pay to put it on their cars. We need cops, but what do the ones we have really do for us? Do they stop real crime? Do they solve crimes? Compare what they cost us to the benefit we receive from them? Maybe the do somewhere, but not anywhere around my area. I believe the average crime solving rate is around 3%, that means 97% isn’t solved. How can that be considered successful? And you’re worried about some words on their cars….

                    As far as Mormons or Muslims, in America, how are you being forced to participate in and believe in their religions? Would words on a car make you believe or participate? Does freedom of choice mean anything to you? Do you believe everything you see written on a car or truck. Are companies forcing you to buy their product or service because they wrote it on their car? Censorship usually promotes one ideology over another, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong? Maybe we need to ban “to protect and serv”, it’s a lie, and they don’t do it. I’m sure someone somewhere is offended by it. It promotes falsehoods but it s feel good thing for some. Do we ban all sayings on government vehicles? How about all the tax dollars wasted on thes fancy wraps police departments all across the country buy for many of their vehicles. Is that where we need to be spending tax dollars? I don’t think so. See, nothing exists in a vacuum, so it’s all a balancing act. Piss off one group while supporting another.

                    so back to the question of separation of church and state. Did the police whose cars had a scripture on them force you to believe or participate in a specific religion? How? Personally, I don’t think any sayings or quotes have any place on government vehicles. Government should be simple, small, efficient, cost effective and beneficial to those who it serves. It shouldn’t be flashy, expensive, excessive, inefficient, unhelpful, burdensome or wasteful.

                    more words,…..
                    I do stuff !


                    • TheGoose
                      • Aug 2023
                      • 75

                      Originally posted by On The Hook

                      I guess that you didn’t read all the words….. every religion is available to anyone in America and they can also reject them all if they choose. Free choice in matters of religion, not a state mandated religion for all. It’s not much different than the “to protect and serve” bs they put n their cars, that we absolutely pay for. They apparently have no duty to protect anyone, according to the Supreme Court. They neither protect nor serve, so why do we pay for that crap and pay to put it on their cars. We need cops, but what do the ones we have really do for us? Do they stop real crime? Do they solve crimes? Compare what they cost us to the benefit we receive from them? Maybe the do somewhere, but not anywhere around my area. I believe the average crime solving rate is around 3%, that means 97% isn’t solved. How can that be considered successful? And you’re worried about some words on their cars….

                      As far as Mormons or Muslims, in America, how are you being forced to participate in and believe in their religions? Would words on a car make you believe or participate? Does freedom of choice mean anything to you? Do you believe everything you see written on a car or truck. Are companies forcing you to buy their product or service because they wrote it on their car? Censorship usually promotes one ideology over another, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong? Maybe we need to ban “to protect and serv”, it’s a lie, and they don’t do it. I’m sure someone somewhere is offended by it. It promotes falsehoods but it s feel good thing for some. Do we ban all sayings on government vehicles? How about all the tax dollars wasted on thes fancy wraps police departments all across the country buy for many of their vehicles. Is that where we need to be spending tax dollars? I don’t think so. See, nothing exists in a vacuum, so it’s all a balancing act. Piss off one group while supporting another.

                      so back to the question of separation of church and state. Did the police whose cars had a scripture on them force you to believe or participate in a specific religion? How? Personally, I don’t think any sayings or quotes have any place on government vehicles. Government should be simple, small, efficient, cost effective and beneficial to those who it serves. It shouldn’t be flashy, expensive, excessive, inefficient, unhelpful, burdensome or wasteful.

                      more words,…..
                      I’m not even sure where you’re going with this argument. I never claimed anything about me worrying about words written on a car. I believe as the founders believed, that the church and state should be separate. For all I care they can have a video board on their car scrolling the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation, it wouldn’t make any difference to me ( I’m a Christian FWIW). But imo no govt agencies should promote religion of any kind, period.


                      • USNHM-DV
                        USNHM-DV commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Scholars trained in research universities have generally argued that the majority of the Founders were religious rationalists or Unitarians1. However, some pastors and other writers who identify themselves as Evangelicals have claimed that most of the Founders held orthodox beliefs and some were born-again Christians. While there were Christians among the Founders, the key Founders who were most responsible for the founding documents did not intend to create a Christian nation. Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Adams and Washington appear to have believed in God, but to be skeptical about miracles and, most importantly, about the deity of Jesus Christ.

                        We are a nation of mixed when it comes to religion, and a right to be so. Believe, unbelieve, different types of beliefs, different types of unbelief. And this is what makes our nation so great-each person has the right to decide for themselves. I don't think one type should be advertised on an official car but...I'm not going to let it bother me. If the people of the county don't like it, vote him out. Simple-another thing that makes our nation great.

                      • TheGoose
                        TheGoose commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Very good points. I do agree with you, if they really don't like it, then vote him out.
                    • dwilliams35
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2023
                      • 2787

                      Originally posted by On The Hook

                      I guess that you didn’t read all the words….. every religion is available to anyone in America and they can also reject them all if they choose. Free choice in matters of religion, not a state mandated religion for all. It’s not much different than the “to protect and serve” bs they put n their cars, that we absolutely pay for. They apparently have no duty to protect anyone, according to the Supreme Court. They neither protect nor serve, so why do we pay for that crap and pay to put it on their cars. We need cops, but what do the ones we have really do for us? Do they stop real crime? Do they solve crimes? Compare what they cost us to the benefit we receive from them? Maybe the do somewhere, but not anywhere around my area. I believe the average crime solving rate is around 3%, that means 97% isn’t solved. How can that be considered successful? And you’re worried about some words on their cars….

                      As far as Mormons or Muslims, in America, how are you being forced to participate in and believe in their religions? Would words on a car make you believe or participate? Does freedom of choice mean anything to you? Do you believe everything you see written on a car or truck. Are companies forcing you to buy their product or service because they wrote it on their car? Censorship usually promotes one ideology over another, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong? Maybe we need to ban “to protect and serv”, it’s a lie, and they don’t do it. I’m sure someone somewhere is offended by it. It promotes falsehoods but it s feel good thing for some. Do we ban all sayings on government vehicles? How about all the tax dollars wasted on thes fancy wraps police departments all across the country buy for many of their vehicles. Is that where we need to be spending tax dollars? I don’t think so. See, nothing exists in a vacuum, so it’s all a balancing act. Piss off one group while supporting another.

                      so back to the question of separation of church and state. Did the police whose cars had a scripture on them force you to believe or participate in a specific religion? How? Personally, I don’t think any sayings or quotes have any place on government vehicles. Government should be simple, small, efficient, cost effective and beneficial to those who it serves. It shouldn’t be flashy, expensive, excessive, inefficient, unhelpful, burdensome or wasteful.

                      more words,…..
                      Anybody that pays taxes in that county is participating in that, quite possibly against their will.

